
Ideas, sketches, models and
Prototypes are some sort of uncompromising ideas that have steped through a treshold of imagination and reality. Fixed in a form of text, sketch, model, draft, situation or any other media suitable for an author, are least affected by economical, political or other factors.
Exhibition presents the prototypes of unrealised, partly
realised, realised or of those projects that will be realized in
future by Lithuanian artists of various generations. The aim of the
show is to open to a viewer changing principles of creative
processes and vastitude of individual thinking
Participating artists: Kazė Zimblytė, Gediminas
Akstinas, Aleksas Andriuškevičius, Česlovas Lukenskas, Robertas
Antinis, Eglė Rakauskaitė, Gintaras Makarevičius, Audrius Novickas,
Elena Narbutaitė, Tomas Grunskis, Dainius Liškevičius, Valdas
Ozarinskas, Laura Stasiulytė, Juozas Laivys, Arūnas Gudaitis,
Evaldas Jansas, Andrius Skiezgelas, Vytautas Biekša, Rokas
Kilčiauskas, Marius Kanevičius
Curator: Giedrius Gulbinas
Sponsor: Lietuvos kultūros taryba
Media sponsor:
"Lietuvos rytas"