Transformations of Landscape

Transformations of Landscape
The art world in Lithuania became particularly dynamic at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. New phenomena and new names emerged, the newly opened up possibilities of direct contact with contemporary processes in Western art inspired daring ideas, and so on. Wild painting is also an integral part of this period. Manifestations of this form of painting are most evident in the works of the members of the Angis group, which formed in 1990. The wild, unrestrained nature of this painting provoked radical visual experiments and alternative ways of exhibiting works. The painters' destructive efforts were directed at the ideology of classic painting as a window on the world. They were looking for material and structural ways to deconstruct the intimate nature of modernist painting established by the older generation of Expressionist painters. Although the period of wild painting did not last very long, for around 1996 its vigorous nature began to wane, another important change related to the deconstruction of modernist painting took place in this decade. It took the form of transformations of landscape, which are evident in the paintings by Henrikas Čerapas, Jonas Gasiūnas, Rimvidas Jankauskas-Kampas and Arūnas Vaitkūnas.
Curator Milda Žvirblytė
M.K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art
Giedrius Andziukevičius
The artists